Puppies have arrived. We have 3 female Mini Aussies. They were born April 8, 2019 and will be ready to go the week of June 3rd. Our puppies come with their first puppy shots at 6 weeks and will be dewormed every 2 weeks starting at 4 weeks of age. They will come with a 1 year health guarantee, rear declaws removed, tails docked and a bag of the food we feed. If you are interested, call or text Kacie at . This little cutie is a black and white tri female and her price is $800. There will be a $100 non-refundable deposit to hold puppies. Delivery is available at buyers expense. I have the ability to accept cards. paypal, venmo or electronic checks through quickbooks. Mom is a miniature Australian shepherd that is 12 inches tall and stays around 12 pounds. Dad is a miniature Australian Shepherd that is 14 inches tall and stays around 15 pounds. Our dogs are raised around livestock, kids, and other dogs.