I have classic Black Tri's available. 1 male. 1 female. More pics available at /l/?acct_id=568861&sid=13bf2642d5d4ed83826bad60809d73e1
This litter was born on October 11, 2012. The Dam is a Blue-Eyed-(black)Tri, is 16" at the shoulder and 29 lbs. The sire is a blue eyed red merle, is 17" at the shoulder and 31 lbs. These puppies will carry the BET and red genes!
They have had their tails docked and dewclaws removed. They are on a worming schedule and will also be up-to-date on their age appropriate shots when you pick up your puppy. They are also ASDR registered and come with full breeding rights.
Now accepting deposits to hold your puppy until pick-up.
**I can drive to meet you within 100 miles from my home for an extra $100.00
**If flying is necessary, I can do that as well, but please realize that shipping a puppy by flight (I prefer to use Delta) is approximately $400.00 more.