My story
Embark on a magical journey with Katerina, Saraphina, and their enchanting mother, Mina. These calico kittens and their dilute tortie mom possess otherworldly beauty and captivating personalities. With their playful spirits, loving hearts, and remarkable bond, they're searching for a forever home that embraces the enchantment they bring. If you're ready to invite the magic of these mystical felines into your life, prepare for a journey filled with wonder, love, and unforgettable adventures. They do not need to be adopted together.
If you would like to adopt, please complete an application at /cat-adoption-application/ The adoption fee of $125 will help defray the costs of the spay/neuter, vaccinations and vetting.
Please note, Circle 2 Rescue cannot guarantee the breed, composition or ages of our dogs as we usually have limited history prior to them entering the rescue.
If you have any questions or would like to adopt Mina, please reach out to the adoption group directly. PetSmart Charities does not facilitate the adoption process. Thank you.