Total mercedes benz master licensed tech. Go to COMPLETE BENZ REPAIRS on facebook to see. All my work and certified status ... All work done from tune ups, suspension work, find and take care of leaks of any kind, a/c work, all types of electrical work of any kind. Shorts, bad premises, back feeds, draws and so on. Means 2 much to list. I have the sds star diagnostic computer very same diagnoses equiPemt the dealers utilize. Any lights such as check engine, srs, esp, bas abs, abc or any malfunctions on the dashboard can be diagnosed and repaired. Save cash @ high priced dealers. Save your cash from going 2 stores that do not deal with these cars all day and guess @ your cost. All I deal with is mercedes-benz. I have all the exact same access to info the dealerships have and I COME TO YOU. Your having a qualified dealership tech that concerns you. Call me any time @ 45 thanks for reading this ... All work warrantied. I have acces to all dealer parts AT COST. Also outdoors parts @ COST conserve cash $$ I have no over head I can do the work less expensive then anyone and I know more then most non mercedes techs **** ALSO 24/7 LOCK OUT SERVICE KEYS LOCKED IN TRUNK ?!?! NO PROBLEM NO DRILLING NO DAMG !!! ALL DONE ELETRICLY ... ALL SMART AND SPRINTER SERVICE AS WELL ALL REPAIRS A LATEST DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE ****.