Hello I have to put up my male English Mastiff for adoption. Me and my husband are expecting our 1st child and will be moving soon. He is an amazing boy who is eager to please and loves attention.
He is 1 1/2. Born 05/31/14
Roughly 85 pounds. He was the runt of the litter.
He has Unlimited AKC Registration ( We paid 1400$ total )
He is an EXCELLENT guard dog that barks at the slightest sound and always guards his yard 100% of the time.
I have had him since 8 weeks old. He is house trained. Sleeps indoors and loves being outside during the day.
He is a great boy, has the biggest heart, is gentle and will protect you to the end.
He is timid at first with other dogs, he will bark only to take off running laps playing with them.
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