Dvd 1. (Linking Cigarettes) The performer holds a borrowed cigarette (or small twig) in each hand by the thumb and forefinger. The two objects pass through each other like REAL MAGIC! No Switches, Nothing is added or taken away. A Super visual penetration of two objects! What you see on the demo video is how it looks live! Perform anywhere!...... view demo on youtube title: linking cigarettes
Dvd 2. (Crush Magic) You focus your attention. You stare with intent and precision. And suddenly, and slowly, the bottle begins to CRUSH. They hear it. They feel it. It happens without warning, entirely under your control.
The DVD teaches TWO complete methods, one of which requiring NO gimmicks of any kind. Perform it with a borrowed bottle. A Pepsi bottle. A water bottle. Any bottle. Hold the bottle in your hands. Put the bottle in your spectator's hands. Put the bottle on the table. The choice is yours. It CRUSHES. Youtube titles for performances These dvd's have are in new condition
Location: Fresno/Clovis