I have 2 will sell for 100 ea or 200 for the both have keyboard. they power up. One is SE hd with Hard drive.
I have literally tons of older Computer stuff. Email me if interested. I can provide pics on request. This is not an exhaustive list, there is lots more computer equipment. See my other ad for tons of computers.
I also have more retro computers, TI 99, Tandy TRS 80 and 128 K. Software and games Atari 12xl and 800xl 3 ea. only one power supply Make offer, i would sell the whole lot reasonably. I have printers to go with some of these Apple image writer II, Okidata and more old dot matrix. Commodore 64, again not included in the price, make offer lots of c64 software. Franklin ACE 500 (Apple IIC clone) apple IIC missing power adapters. Most of this has been tested to power up. I was running a computer business at one time. Cases are faded on some but are fully operational.