Lucky! (LA)'s story
Lucky is a 5-6 year old, 15lb neutered male Chihuahua/ Corgi mix. He has beautiful cow like markings that are golden, and shorty legs that are adorable. He is so loving and deserves the best home. He is looking for a forever home in NYC!
Lucky is house-broken, chill, non-barker , non-destructive & the perfect city companion, especially great for those who live in an APT. He will be a great companion to explore the city with on walks. His first night in his foster home he slept quietly through the night and had no accidents. He was a staff favorite at Downey Shelter. The day he was rescued a staff member saw us pulling him and gave him a big farewell hug & took him on a final walk. She said on her days off she would come into work to potty him because he would hold it TOO well. He was really adored. He is a very special boy and who sat patiently in his crate wagging his tail. It is noted he gets on well with children and allows all handling.
Lucky is truly the perfect city dog, calm, mellow, easy going, quiet and not clingy. He would bring good energy and sunshine into any home.
Lucky is up to date on shots. He lifts his rear right leg , but that does not bother or slow him down at all and gets around just fine on walks, his foster took him to the beach and he did great. Lucky could loose about 3-5lbs and could w/ exercise and a good diet.
Lucky was rescued in LA as part of our Waggy West rescue mission to bring At Risk dogs, one by one to NYC for adoption! We are always looking for volunteer chaperones to bring at risk dogs like him with them on their next LA-NYC flight, we pay the dog's ticket and provide a carrier! Email [email protected] if you can help!
Please contact us DIRECTLY using the instructions below if you are interested in fostering or adopting one of our Waggytails! Visit our website () for an adoption or foster application on the CONTACT US page. It is important to fill out an application as soon as possible for consideration, and we require a complete application for you to meet an animal. Simply attach your completed application to an email with the dog's name in the title, and send to
Adoptions: [email protected]
Fosters: [email protected]
PLEASE NOTE: Dogs marked "Adoption Pending" have an approved adoption application on file and are awaiting final approval. Please check back in a few days to see if they are still available!
We understand you may have questions but the fastest way to get answers is to fill out the application and the foster parent can answer any questions you may have!
Waggytail Rescue CAN NOT guarantee the final size of any of our puppies! If you are concerned about the size of your adopted dog, please consider adopting one of our adults who need you!