Lucky cream orange color male,
small size french bulldog male
He is 7 month old.
He is neuter
Lucky cream orange color male, small size french bulldog male He is 7 month old. He is neuter Lucky is very calm and well socialized.
He loves to be held! He has the sweetest personality and loves to play. We looking for Lucky family with one or two dogs ,
prefer females, if you have male and he nice and not feisty and not aggressive to another males Lucky will be happy to have new brother.
Also we prefer people who have back yard. He loves to run and play with his toys and sister Naina.
Only responsible and very serious people for Lucky,please !
Lucky special puppy for us,he so much spoiled,we just want to make sure he will found the best home ever !
Please email,text or call us for interview at
Thank you!