All in good shape, priced fairly, and under market value.
If sold individually they would cost 97.00 .
However if somebody wanted all of them I would be wiling to take 75.00 for all of them at once
or if multiple but not all books are purchased I will also consider a discounted price
email, call, or text
please no calls or texts after 9 pm or before 7 a.m.
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon 0-4-3
The course of Irish History by TW Moody and F.X. Martin
Write for College (writers Inc)
Versions of History from Antiquity to the Enlightenment 0-6-2
Compilation of texts from History 464/564 at Ball State taught by DR. Demitriev-1.00
Suena Collection (includes one Student Textbook, one Teacher textbook, and one Workbook)-5.00
The American Journey Volume 1 (3rd ed) by Goldfield
Writing analytically (3rd ed) by Rosenwasser and Stephen
Escaping Platos cave by Rossenblum
African Philospophy by English and Kalumba
Political Theory: thucydides to Machiavelli by Losco and Williams (2nd ed) Volume 1 14
Gay New York by Chauncey 14
The Romans: From Village to Empire by boatright
The Ancient World: A Social and Cultural History (6th Edition) by D. Brendan Nagle
Recovered Roots by Yael Zerubavel-978-0-8-1-5.00
The Essential Cosmis Perspective (third ed) by bennet, donahue, schneider, voit-0-8-2-1.00
A wellness way of life (sixth ed) by robbins, powers, burgess-0-07-284391-8-1.00
Writers Inc by Sebranek, Kemper, Meyer-0-6-0-1.00
Wheelocks Latin (sixth ed) by wheelock, revised by lafleur-0-06-095641-0-5.00
A history of Asia (fith ed) by Rhoads, Murphey-0-4-x-15.00
Survival at Auschwitz-Primo Levi-0-0-1-1.00
The Methods and Skills of History by Conal Furay and Michael Salvouris-0-88295-851-8-1,00
A manual for writers (sixth ed) by Kate Turabian-0-7-3 (I have 2 copies)-1.00 a piece
On Looking into the Abyss by Gertrude Himmelfarb-0-3-9-5.00
A midwifes Tale by Larel Thatcher Ulrich-978-0-6-8-1.00
Traditions and Encounters (second ed) by bentley and Ziegler-0-07-256500-4-3.00
The essentials of psychology (third ed) by bernstein and nash-0-9-5-3.00
Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton-0-3-9-2.00
Biology: A Guide to the Natural World by David Krogh (tailored for Ivy Tech)-0-3-8-7.00