Hello, Lindy here. Now I know you're thinking...."wait, that's not a Golden Retriever.". But my Momma and kinfolk told me my great grandpappy was sure enough a Golden Retriever - and I have the heart and the eyes of a Golden even if I look a little different. I'm likely a Boxador; that's a mix between a Brindle/White Boxer and a Labrador Retriever. Doesn't matter really because I'm a gorgeous and happy little girl. I'm about 2 years old and I weigh 55 pounds. I showed up at an airport hanger, and even though they kept putting me outside of the security fence, I kept getting back under it. I really enjoyed hanging around with the pilots; they said I was sweet and gentle and super loving. To protect me from harm, they took me to a shelter. One of the pilots heard the shelter people say "heart worm positive" and "euthanasia" and so he picked me right up and left. AGB is calling me a "very special case" and a "honorary Golden" because of my scary future without rescue. I've started heart worm treatment so I'll be cured soon. AGB said "Welcome" to me and I'm so wishing some nice adopter will welcome me too. Did I mention that AGB named me Lindy after that famous pilot, Charles Lindberg? Maybe somebody is looking for a canine co-pilot?