Lincoln's story
Meet Lincoln! He is a sweet, cuddly beagle that is about 2 years old and weighs around 25 lbs.
Lincoln has been tested with cats and is not aggressive towards them at all. He sometimes likes to think he has their agility and can climb to all of the same places they can (LOL)! He will try to eat their food and litter so its best that they are kept out of his reach. He absolutely loves belly rubs, playing with his toys, and going on long walks as often as possible. As much as he loves to play, he equally loves to nap. This boy can sleep anywhere, but would prefer to be cuddled up right next to his favorite human. He is treat motivated and really enjoys treats. His favorite is the peanut butter flavor. He is a little uncertain around males and sometimes takes a little bit of time warming up to them, but he generally is very loving towards people. He can become quite anxious and scared when left alone causing some accidents to occur, but he is such a sweet boy. Lincoln just needs an adopter that will be understanding, calm, and patient with him.
Lincoln is neutered and heartworm negative, vaccinated, microchipped and current on preventatives. He is doing well with house training and will need someone who continues to work with him. This little guy would do best in a home with a backyard and a secure fence so that he can run around and play until his little heart is content. Fill out a non binding application here, or email [email protected] to talk to his foster mom. He is located in Huntsville, AL, but is happy to go wherever he finds his new family.