Our residence is located near HOAG Healthcare facility.
*! * THIS IS NOT A STORE *! * simply many items left after closing a classic enhanced innovative arts center / area hospitality center in The Balboa FUN Area AND down scale from a 3 room 4 vehicle garage the home of a studio apartment without any storage.
PERSPECTIVE much more items detailed at ebayclassifieds com/user/Tina4Music.
and at our eBay FUNdrai$ing shop MenagerieTreasures Dot Com to fund benefit events for local and worldwide life enhancement and community celebration jobs explained at PeaceThroughTheArts Dot Org.
SIGHT VIDEO CLIP of even more antiques, art, songs, antiques, house & & garden items and fashion treasures while being specified at app.talkfusion.com/fusion2/view.asp?MTM0Njc5Mw==_2713156.
Much Passion & & BlesSINGs !!! &;