LG ENV3, Blue, for Verizon - $65.
Phone is in excellent condition, includes a wall charger.
Ready for activation on Verizon - ESN has actually been cleared for use. This device is prepared for use with your existing agreement - no brand-new agreement needed. 24 hr Guarantee to function and activate. Can be triggered on Page Plus.
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program contact info.
Please request for Ron. Kindly discuss Model and Brand when making inquiries.
At your convenience I can fulfill you at Bi Mart or the Verizon store.
on Garden Valley Rd. in Roseburg.
It has a 2.6" internal screen for simple texting. When you fold open the phone, it can remain halfway open like a little laptop computer (ideal for sitting on a desk) or lie totally flat. The QWERTY secrets are spacious and well spaced, with a group of keys highlighted in blue for video gaming.
There's a 3.0 megapixel electronic camera and camcorder, music player for MP3, WMA, AAC, AAC+, CDMA.
A favorites key to get in touch with the majority of frequent contacts in a flash!
The battery life is really great, with more than 6 hours of talk time & approximately 480 hours of standby time. Ringtones are really loud, and the vibrating alert plenty powerful.
You have to open the phone to utilize the speakerphone, however once you do, the speakerphone is clear and incredibly loud. Bluetooth stereo capable.
You can keep your photos on a microSD card as much as 16 GB (optional) tucked into the side of the phone or on the phone's 120MB of readily available memory.
The enV3 has GPS, which deals with Verizon's VZ Navigator driving directions software.
It is an uncommon flip phone that appears like a candybar-style phone, however flips open sideways to reveal a large screen and complete QWERTY keyboard.
Stream music from your computer system to your phone's music-player, and listen wirelessly with a Bluetooth stereo headset.