Selection of Astronomical items , including....
14" Computerized F/5 Newtonian on equatorial mount $900
8" Meade Schmidt Cassegrain with equatorial wedge $500
5" Celestron Schmidt Cassegrain , computerized goto $400
Celestron CG5 mount with steppers motors, needs work $100
Photometrics CC200 controller $100
Photometrics CE200A controller $100
Photometrics A2S converter $50
Photometrics PXL controller $200
Photometrics CH220 camera $100
Photometrics N2 camera $300
Photomerics PXL-CH1 4 megapixel camera $300
HP GPIB boards and manuals $60
Photometrics LCU cooler $50
Photometrics CH cooler $70
Photometrics Sensys KAF1400G1 $100
Photometrics Star-1 camera $200
2 x Star-1 system controller unit $100 ea
2 x Roper PCI interface cards $100 ea
2 x Phillips Webcam (good for planets/moon) $50 ea
Discount for multiple item purchase
Location: Tucson