1 compaq presario, needs new hard drive, but everything works other than that
1 compaq that's been pretty gutted and has broken screen
1 dell, that's broken but screen is good along some other parts.
1 laptop cooling fan
1 emachines tower with good motherboard,power supply,heatsink and prossecor
1 logitech 500gb external hard drive
1 HTC 500gb external hard drive
1 logitec wireless keyboard
1 kingsington wirless keyboard
1 kingsington wirless mouse
1 microsost wirless mouse w/1gb flash built into reciever
1 80gb laptop hardrive
1 logitec gaming contoller
And I may have a couple other things laying around.
I will sell everything for $400.00 firm or trade for gold and/or silver broken or not. Text me at . Or reply 2 post.
Location: chico