Lance's Computer Repair Services for $65 for all your Software or Hardware Issues, Not by the Hour, call (218) 4 2 8 - 9 7 8 1 You're not Charged by the hour, on PC Desktop Towers and Laptops and Notebooks, Nice!:-RRB- $65. for Software * Problems $65. for Major Hardware * Problems. Parts cost Extra at reasonable costs, if had the need for or wanted. Equaling to no even more $130. oo Maximum if both sort of Labor jobs are administered to your Computer. Also, I do provide credit to with trade of COMPUTER parts for upgrades and towards payment. Repair services surpass easy Anti-Virus Cleaning Not Limited to simply these: = Notebook and Laptop Power Supply jack repair service = Software and Hardware Upgrades, Installations, Check disk Integrity, and so forth = Registry Cleaning both done by Automated Cleaning Software and Manually = Removal of Multiple old Antivirus Programs believed to have actually been gotten rid of in the past, that continue to fight against each other Ignoring the Real risks. 7 + Plus Years of Experience and Highly Referred by others For More details call Lance at 218-4 2 8 - 9 7 8 1.