Labrador Retriever - Shilo - Small - Adult - Male - Dog
SHILO - 5 year old small dog, pure black in color. He is in very good health, however is considered special needs due to his background. He was very neglected and has trust issues. He will need a home with stability and consistency. It will take him longer than normal to adjust to this change and will require alot of patience on the part of his new owners. I was told I'd never be able to so much as touch him, however I am now able to carry him, groom him and pet him like my other dogs. It just took time. If your home is right for Shilo, please contact us today!
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Size: Small
Petfinder ID:
Pet has been spayed/neutered
D-S Rescue | Tucson, AZ |
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