Feb 8th updated ... Rose whelped her yellow and black litter. Avail 2 black males and 2 yellow males. Prepared to go home March 1st. When I say they are totally checked they are whereas a lot of other breeders have not done the screening to their parents and to the puppies to the level of standards I have done. Dogs will certainly be size 55-80 pounds. Rose is EIC Clear however Levi is non-episodal carrier. The litter will certainly be tested and will certainly have a few of the puppies non-episodal providers that rate is minimized $100. AKC Registered. EIC Carriers non-episodal will only have restricted AKC registration and should be neutered/spayed at age 1. Both parents CNM Clear. Both parents had DNA screening with Optigen for PRA-prcd and RDOSD and both are clear. I are among the really few in the USA/Canada/UK performing this level of DNA testing. I seek best health for the dog. I breed best for the dog. When again, Levi is cleared on elbows and excellent on hips and had his yearly eye exam and passed. Rose's hips and elbows are submitted to OFA for score but must clear. Both Levi and Rose had their eyes looked for refractory (near or far sightedness) and both are normal. Characters on both moms and dads are exceptional and sweet. Rose is a little bundle of joy and incredibly sweet and very birdy. She will certainly compete and accomplish her SH during year 2015. Levi has a HUGE character and very personable ... everyone likes Levi and is exceptionally good-looking. Levi is a Master Hunter and competed at this last Fall's Master National. he is a natural pen and easy to train. I have weekly images of the dogs-- send me an email and I will certainly forward. Jana Love, # . [e-mail eliminated )My email address is on my site.