Kristi's story
Kristi is a Australian Shepherd Mix. Her estimated date of birth is 8/20/2015 and she weighs 40 lbs. She is up to date on all of her shots and she is fixed. Kristi is OK with people that she knows but is not good with new people. She is better suited for a home that has no cats, no kids or other dogs or small animals. Kristi does like to vocalize and would be best in a house as she needs a lot of space to run around. Kristi is not good alone and does need someone she can trust to be her side most of the time. Kristi requires a very special diet and does not tolerate prepackaged dog food well. She has some minor skin issues that do require weekly medication. She has a very high energy level and would require exercise on a daily basis for at least 1 hour otherwise she has the tendency to be destructive to items. Kristi does have some issues on a a leash and has a small problem with marking in homes.
Please contact [email protected]. We do not have a central location to see our dogs. We do adoption events every Saturday at Petco, 3495 Sports Arena Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92110 from 9am to 11:30pm.
If you are interested in a particular dog you can fill out an Adoption Application at our website and we can schedule you for an appointment on a Saturday at Petco OR your welcome to come to one of our Adoption Events and see all the wonderful dogs we have for adoption. Though it is best to check to make sure the dog will be at the event.
Please let us know before Thursday at 5pm if you would be interested in seeing a dog or setting up an appointment to see a dog that week on Saturday. Our cut-off for scheduling dogs for appointments at the adoption event is Thursday at 5pm. Otherwise appointments will be set for the following week.
If you have any questions please email us at [email protected].