I have to sell what remains of my inventory. I sold fiction. Due to the health care safety net being made more of holes rather than net. To make ends meet I must sell the my collection and what remains of my sales stock .About 1,500 +books. Mostly first editions and a great many signed by giants in the. Mystery & Science Fiction genres. Also present are a large number of late 20th Century Westerns .Nonfiction SF , Fanzines. Book kibble that one acquires after selling books for 32 years.- . Dust jackets. 19th century volumes of encyclopedic clip art or modern decor. (you know -decorative bindings.) Cool art books.Items are located in two locations - my stowage locker and my apartment. Both are a book scouts delight. If you like books you'll find something. I'd prefer to sell as a lot, but I'm open to offers. I've sold books for 30 years and it's time to set them loose.I've dealt at SF & Mystery events since 1980.