We have a brand new, in the box Big Game tree stand.
The box is a little beat, but it has actually never ever been put together.
-A V.I.P. look at.
-Steel building.
-3-area single-rail ladder.
-Seat measurements: 24" x 14" deep.
-18" x 7"H backrest.
-Height: 16' to shooting rail.
-Two 1 cog straps and two 1 stabilizer straps included.
-Adjustable support bar.
-One 4-point full-body harness.
-Minimum tree size: 9" dimension.
-Weighs 80 lbs.
-Weight limit: 300 lbs.
We have many other products to select from,.
Kindly begin down and examine us out.
If you do not see exactly what you are searching for please just.
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Newfield Street Exchange.
1000 Newfield Street (Rt 3 ).
Middletown, Ct 06457.
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Monday through Friday 11am till 6pm & Sat until 4pm.