Honey Bunny was born in June 2016 and he was born with 3 other bunny siblings.
He is the sweetest bunny in the world, I promise! He loves to be sang to and his favorite song is " This little light of mine". Once I sang to him for over an hour while I cleaned his eyes from this eye infection he had and he would make little noises and he fell asleep and was so peaceful!
So since then I sing this song to him he starts closing his eyes.
He had an issue with his jaw and the teeth don't meet in the front, so he is not able to grind food as well as he would normally so the top teeth grew into the bottom gums and shut his mouth closed and he lost the ability to eat and drink water, when he finally came ask me for help in front of my front door he seemed so skinny with a big head. I was able to catch him and take him to a rescue and they trimmed his teeth and freed his mouth and gave him an IV for an hour and then he ate his first parsley! A he became my baby and I fed him as much as I could gradually to get him to gain some weight and get his health back!
I never new anything about bunnies but the love and connection I had with Honey Bunny made me realize that I had to rescue all these bunnies from the street and find them homes!
Now he is a moment away from being adopted I can feel it! He is kind and friendly and loving and a great companion! He loves kale and he is very very smart one time somehow he broke out of the crate and he was gone, soon to come back on his own 3 days later and brought Goldie who I believe that is his girlfriend.
I think by that time he new I could give them a better life then they could ever make for themselves on the streets given that although they were born and raised so far on the street and hid themselves in people's back yards, they actually are DONESTIC bunnies! They need to be indoors and if I didn't have my 3 dogs indoors, I would keep these 3 bunnies!
But they need to be warmer then they are and safer from coyotes and raccoons and awls and other pray animals .