Honey's story
Honey here. My story is quite the interesting one!
I was left behind at a shelter when my human passed away. Shortly after arriving at the shelter, I started vomiting and was taken to the vet, where I ended up staying for TWO MONTHS while they continued to to give me fluids and try and get me to eat. Since this was a small town vet and a shelter, I didn't get any diagnostic testing other than bloodwork, but the vet "suspected" stomach cancer and was leaning towards euthanizing me. They thought I was around 13 years old and that I just wouldn't continue to have a good life. (Boy were they in for a surprise!!)
A plea was put out from the shelter for a comfortable home for me & an amazing foster stepped up so that I could come to Demi's Animal Rescue!
Demi's wanted to get a second opinion on me once I arrived and they shocked to learn that I had several teeth with exposed nerves and has been in a ton of pain. I tried to tell those silly vets before that my mouth hurt, but they just didn't listen!! Anyways- I had my teeth pulled and am feeling better. OH... and that surprise I mentioned? I am actually only 5 years old!!!
The vet said I may have had a jaw injury in the past as well (I don't really remember!), but I do know that I am loving having food again! I am pretty picky on the kinds I will eat- it has to be easy for me to pick up with my not-perfect mouth, but I will beg and beg for those specific kinds! Really anything in those awesome pouch things, or fish flavored! Since I went so long without really eating much, I am still pretty skinny and boney, but it doesn't slow me down one bit. I love to cuddle up with you and I cannot resist the laser pointer- I will chase that around forever! Someday, I WILL catch it!
Honey has perfect litter box manners. She was previously declawed.
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