Honey's story
Honey is a 2(ish) year old, 5lb Chihuahua. Honey and her 3 puppies were going to be dumped at a shelter in New Mexico, but luckily we got wind of it before it happened. We were able to get them into a safe foster home instead of being dumped at the shelter. Fast forward 4 weeks, and Honey's puppies have all been adopted. It is now her turn to find her forever home!
Honey is the sweetest, most loving and affectionate dog ever. Honey loves everybody and everything, including all kids and adults. She just wants to be on someones lap or under a blanket snuggling. She also loves to run around with the other dogs and go for walks, but as long as she gets all the snuggle time she could ever want she will be a happy girl. She seems to be potty trained and is very obedient, and a good girl. Her foster family absolutely adores her and has nothing negative to say at all. She is truly one of a kind. On top of it, she has the SOFTEST belly in the world...like a babies bottom. She loves to roll on her back so you can rub her belly all day long.
If you are interested in adopting Honey, please email us at [email protected]