Henry's story
ATTENTION: All of our dogs are in private foster homes. We do NOT have a kennel with multiple dogs. If you find a dog you want to meet in person, please go to and complete an application. We will make every attempt to process all applications within 3 business days of receipt.
Meet Henry!Henry is a 9 lb, 6 year old Chihuahua mix. He is a very sweet boy who loves to cuddle and follows his foster mom everywhere. Henry is working on the "Stay" command. He gets along great with his 3 four legged foster siblings, as well as others dogs he has met on walks. He is friendly to everyone. He sleeps all night in a corral with his foster siblings. Henry is not interested in toys or balls. He is a little anxious riding in the car but we think he can easily overcome this with time and experience. Henry is fully house trained and only barks to alert when someone comes to my door. Henry is neutered, microchipped and current on his vaccines. His adoption fee is $250 which helps Second Chance Dog Rescue cover spay/neuter costs, vaccinations, medical treatments, food and supplies.
if you think you would like to meet Henry, please fill out an application at: today!
All Second Chance Dog Rescue dogs are spayed/neutered, are up to date on vaccines and have microchips prior to adoption. Adoption fees vary depending on age of dog. Fees help Second Chance Dog Rescue cover spay/neuter costs, vaccinations, medical treatments, food and supplies. Please go to and complete an application today! All dogs live in private foster homes until they are adopted.