Quite an unusual bicycle for a growing family, this cool little bike can be passed down from brother to sister for their first riding bike. Built by the Hedstrom Company, this vintage bike can be converted from a boys bike to a girls bike simply by removing the center bar and flipping it upside down! (Photos show the bike in the girls position) All original, right down to the flamboyant his/her red and yellow paint, it comes with a cool banana seat and high rise handlebars with metal hangers for streamers at the ends of the grip. The Coaster Break system is a simple operation with positive stopping action by pressing backwards on pedals. The chain guard goes all the way around the peddle gear for added safety. Training wheels can be added to the back wheel. The tires are 16". From the top of the handle bars to the ground is 31". From the seat where the child would sit to the ground is 22". This bike will suite children from 3-6 years old. It's in very good, unrestored, rideable condition when peddles are replaced with new ones. $90