This floor is a premium #1 slow growth heart pine wood with very tight growth rings and beautiful colors. Originally used hundreds of years ago, it has stood the test of time. It's 100% solid wood, no fibrous multi-layers or glues and minimal knots. Kiln dried to 6%. This floor installs quickly and the low moisture content guarantees a beautiful finish.
I have 21,000 sq. ft. packaged and ready for next day delivery. The measurements are ( I have 2 sizes) : T&G 3/4" x 5.25" x 16' and 3/4" x 2.5" x 16' both priced at $5.50 sq. ft. C.O.D/No Deposits. Includes delivery.
Minimum order. Please call for more information.
I also have #1 quarter saw heart pine flooring.