Wasup CL i have some random Heald college books for sale. If your interested you can contact me at
Heald college keys to Sucess (Building analytical, creative. and pratical skills) ISBN: 0-62
Medical terminology student theater (Video) ISBN: 1-4-1
Microsoft office 2007 premium video edition (Video Included) ISBN: 0-8-3
Taber's cyclopedic medical dictionary 21th edition (Video Incuded) ISBN: 0-8-0
Skillbuilding 3rd edition (Building speed and accuracy on the keyboard) ISBN: 0-07-829801-6
College keyboarding & Documents processing 10th edition (lessons 1-60) ISBN: 978-0-07-336831-3
College keyboarding & Documents processing 10th edition (lessons 1-120) ISBN: 978-0-07-726195-5