This bike is (as you can see from the pictures) in excellent condition. It has always been garaged. It's been upgraded with a Memphis Shades fairing (quick release), Vance and Hines Exhaust, very roomy saddlebags (each one will hold 2 gallons of milk with room to spare), K&N Air Filter, and a custom paint job. The bad, you may ask? It does need a new rear tire. I haven't done it because I got another bike, which is the reason I'm selling this one.
If this bike looks good, just know that it runs even better. If you'd like to take it for a spin I need to see a motorcycle endorsement, proper riding equipment, and you need to be genuinely interested in buying. No joy rides.
Contact me with questions. You can come by and see it or we can arrange to meet. Whichever makes you most comfortable.