Harry gets his name honestly because he is well, hairy. We think this chocolate dog is a mix of Bernese Mountain Dog and maybe Newfoundland? We do his coat is supposed to be a little longer, but he had a spa day to make him feel better. Harry has decided everyone walks needs to be greeted by him. What a nice attribute in a new companion. He's gentle but like many bigger dogs, a little unaware of his size. Children might want to be a little on the sturdy side if they are going to be a part of his new home. From our observations of him, Harry does not appear to have spent much time indoors, so that might take some time to get him used to house living. Harry should be an only dog in a household as he prefers to keep some distance between himself and other dogs. Primary Color: Brown Secondary Color: White Weight: 75 Age: 2yrs 0mths 1wks Animal has been Neutered