Hank's story
Meet our ball of fur, Hank!
Hank is our light 4 lb, 3 month old, male Terrier mix who came to us from Mexico. This pup is working on his bathroom training and learning to grow up as a good boy! He will soon complete all his vaccinations and neutering and ready to go home. Hank has a very friendly and gentle personality and gets along great with all dogs and kids. He hasnt met kitties yet.
Hank is a very mellow guy. He is learning a lot from his foster dog siblings and follows great examples about bathroom habits and how to be good in the house. He will play very sweetly and will go in his crate for nap times when done with snuggles. He enjoys exploring the yard and being social with other young pups. He likes to be held and snuggled.
Hank will be perfect with any family who will love him to bits. Another dog playmate at home would be ideal. His adoption fee is $350 and that includes neutering, shots and microchip. To take him home, please fill out the adoption form here. /adopt-today