My story
Meet Hail Mary and adult poodle mixed breed. They arrived on 1/28/20 from a puppy mill. We do not have an history on them but that. We do not have real breed descriptions. Most of them came in shaved down. Their teeth are in poor condition so it is hard to age them. This is a common result of poor nutrition in puppy mill settings. We are guessing them to be older adults. Since they are still new to this shelter we have not cat, dog, or kid tested them just yet. Also we don't say any of our dogs are housebroken unless we know for sure. Most of them need a routine to reiterate their already trained behavior prior to shelter life. We will update the bio after we learn more. This pet has been spayed/neutered, vaccinated (age appropriate), microchipped, and tested for heartworm (age appropriate). They also receive monthly heartworm prevention and flea/tick while they stay with our shelter. If you are interested in seeing this pet please ask the front desk to call for a kennel tech.