We have a group of 20 beautiful Sun Conures 1-2 years old, not sexed! Super Sale! Just reduced the price from $3200 to $3000 even
$3000 is the price for whole group, which means you pay only $150 per bird.
Compare it with the pet shop retail price of $575-850 for a single Sun Conure.
I can break this group in half and sell 10 birds ...the price will be $1550.
Shipping for either group is $190 total (includes custom crate,insurance,handling and airline ticket) ... if you are able to pick-up in person, you will save the $190 shipping cost.
We use United Airlines as our shipper and ship to most major airports, in all 49 states, Hawaii will have additional shipping because of more paperwork requirements/business regulation costs associated. We ship from Tucson International Airport and usually put the birds on the plane in the early morning so that they can arrive later that same day at your airport.