Great choice of mid century modern pole lamps in working vintage condition.
Lightolier dish & spotlight pole light $225.
Double ceramic pendant pole lamp $125.
Double pendant pole lamp $125.
Triple blue floral cylinders pole lamp $125.
Fiberglass shades & torchiere pole light $150.
Triple pendant cone pole lamp $175.
Double lantern pole light $125.
if interested.
program contact details.
to validate accessibility.
or visit.
7741 West 44th ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033.
(across the street and a 1/4 block West from.
our close friends, Mod Mood Retro Consignment).
Open Tuesday-Sunday 12-6pm.
Search CF6796 to watch all present published inventory.
Thanks for looking!
mid century, mid-century, midcentury, mid century modern, mid-century contemporary, midcentury modern, MCM, mod, mid mod, danish modern-day, modernism, retro, vintage, atomic, mad men, 50's, 60's, 70's, CF6796.