We have 5 gorgeous German Shepherd puppies, 3 males and 2 females, whose grandfather is the World Sieger Champion of 2010, Ober von Bad-Boll. They are ready to go to their new homes on October 7,2012, as they will be exactly 8 weeks old. (No puppy will be allowed to go to their new home prior to that date!But we will hold the puppy upon receipt of your deposit, deposit is NON-Refundable!)
Ober von Bad-Boll is World Sieger Champion in 2010.
His grandfather is VA 2* Quantum von Arminius!
Ober's sire is SG 5 Giovanni vom Kapellenberg, the number 5 ranked dog in 2004 in world in the young class. His dam (mother) is a remarkable VA 11 Aike zum Gigelsfelsen, number 11th Aike zum Gigelsfelsenranked female in the world, excellent select class in 2004.
*VA- (Vorzuglich Auslese): Excellent select, the highest attainable award by a German Show dog and granted only at the annual Sieger Show. The VA is followed by a numeric number which is their seated place.
VA 2 means that the German Shepherd placed in the excellent select category and placed or seated 2nd.
We own the mother, who is the best dog we've ever owned:She makes some of her best desicions when is off leash and while performing task makes excellent choices. She loves children and is super good with them.
She is a terrific mother: I don't think there is a better mom-dog in the world:She took such a wonderful care of her babies, and I hope these genes will be passed on to her daughters.
The sire is Ursus Batu, is an imoprt from Germany and is the son of OBER von Bad-Ball. (Please read above)
We are looking for devoted future owners who will love the puppies as much we do and all the love, many hours of care we have put in them.
These are EXCELLENT blodlines and we really want to see their potential fully developed.
All of the puppies vet examined and found in great shape and very healthy.
The first picture is of mama feeding some of the babies in the whelping box.
The puppy # 1is a MALE. (Green collar) He is the first one to have his ears perk up: at 6 weeks of age! Sweet loving boy:Looooves to be in a human company, to be held and petted.
Puppy # 2 is a MALE: (Black collar)The biggest puppy of the litter and sure reminds of a teddy bear. He has sweet personality and just loves to be loved. Look how big his head and his paws are. (Tempted at times to refer to him as "Ursus", which means "Bear")
Puppy # 3 is a MALE. (Green/brown collar)This puppy does not let other puppies to take advantage of him! Very spirited and courageous,yet a love bug !
Here are our beautiful girls:
Puppy # 4 is a FEMALE. (Without collar on this picture) This puppy is of superb quality! She is so adorable and we refer to her "Button" as in "Cute as a button", we just couldn't help it. :) It's just the way she look at you, more like deep in to your soul. Smart and inquisitive! She keeps all her three brothers in line and her sister too. She trully does let them know not to mess with her.
Puppy # 5 is our Lady in red (female)! (Red collar) THE SMARTEST PUPPY OF THE LITTER in my opinion! If it's possible, then she will find a way how to get out from any enclosure, even with the height of walls/barriers that other puppies don't even think to approach. She PREFFERS to potty in a separate area AT ALL TIMES and does not potty in the sleeping area EVEN IF SHE HAS TO CLIMB OUT OF THE WHELPING BOX! She is one amazing girl! So far she has exibited her mama's personality:Very patient and tolerant. She will allow other puppies to torture her for quite some time before she lets them know "Enough is enough". This girl is absolutely of the supreme quality and I absolutely love her color, her body shape, and her intelligence impresses me.
Please note German Shepherd dogs are one of the smartest and loyal dogs, yet they are not for everyone! The worst thing you can do to this wonderful breed is to stick them into backyard and leave them there. They LOVE to work! They are extremely intelligent dogs and they were bred to work! They love to be next to you and to your family! The want to please you, they want to be next to your feet every moment of their lives to love you and to protect you. Please, since you are investing money in to this beautiful breed, please be ready to provide for them nutricious food, time to exercise them, money for vet visits and lots of love and patience.
Please look how huge their paws! Their color and body shape is gorgeous!
All of the puppies are home raised and handled by our children daily! The puppies are exposed to all kind of noises, sounds, smells.
We fed the the best possible diet: Purchased best puppy can and solid food, in addition to eggs, cottage cheese, and yougurt. Their mom is still feeds them at times, but puppies can eat solid food already, don't have to mash it anymore, however I do add one of the mentioned items to the solid food. Our puppies are loved and spoiled! And I can only hope that they will be for the rest of their lives.
Attention: 1. Any puppy is considered available and can be sold at any time, unless we have a deposit in hand or agreed to wait the necessary amount of time for the deposit or full payment to arrive.
2. We as the owners reserve the right to refuse the sale of a puppy to any customer, at any time, at our sole discretion.
By appointment only, please.
When you do come over we want to give you an undevided attention, spend as much time as you need as you pick up out the puppy you are going to spend the next 10-13 years with and answer all of your questions.
Please call us to schedule an appointment at