Graham is a Corgi/Chihuahua mix with the cutest under bite! He is 4yrs old, weighing in at 23lbs, and is a total love bug! He was owner surrendered to us as the owner was moving. He is a very friendly and loving guy, but can be a bit shy when first meeting him. He is good with other dogs big or small. He hasn't lived with cats or kids so it's unknown how he would be with either. He likes both men and women. He likes to play with other dogs, go for walks, and hang out with his people. He LOVES food too, and will need to be on a feeding schedule rather then being free fed. He is great on a leash and rides well in the car. He loves attention and affection but doesn't demand it. He is content just laying at your feet or sitting next to you on the couch. Due to his teeth sticking out, routine brushing would be a good idea to keep his teeth pearly white! He would do well in any type of activity home as long as he gets love from his people