4 beautiful Papillon puppies for sale , ready April 17th. We have 1 female tri colo(SOLD to Texas)r and 3 males The Tres Amigos) 2 tri color and 1 sable. These pups are very rare and hard to find so please contact NOW. 100.00 non refundable deposit will hold. They are raised in our home , no puppy mill. They are AKC registered with excellent bloodlines filled with champions. They are grandkid socialized and will have 1st shot and wormings. They are beautifully marked. and should have nice coats and conformation. The males have beautiful wide blazes, female narrower. Papillons are a bright happy alert, loving happy dog with big butterfly ears. We sell all of our pups with AKC Limited (pet) registration at a discounted price with spay/neuter agreement. Males are 750.00, females 950.00. Show homes who require FULL AKC add 300.00 . We also will consider in home breeders at full AKC price. Write or call to discuss the home you are offering. We do not welcome puppy mills so please do not call. Papillons are happiest if they are the only dog or 1 of 2. They are loving, devoted and intelligent. We are snowbirds form NY so we are now offering this litter 1 time here in our winter home, Arizona. Please see our website for pictures of mom, dad and grandparents. Mom is "Special". Daughter of Jean Pierre, Dad is the last son of my Starfire male Starfire I'm All Ears. Pups will be vet checked prior to placement. Please call now for appointement to choose and /or reserve your puppy. They are only 2 1/2 weeks now so pictures will change ALOT! We will update!