ONLY FOR $1500
Doodle just one puppy left from this litter. His mom have huge litter 9 babys. Doodle small size french bulldog male. Will be around 20 lbs in full grow. His mom 16 lbs and his dad 24 lbs. Doodle have blue genes,because his daddy my blue male Armani. Doodle built the best
very solid, short and cobby with big head and expressive eyes. Doodle have girl face,when he look on me he remind me Barby Doll:) He is sooooo handsome! He is the perfect picture of a well built Frenchie and his personality matches his looks. Doodle is the life of the party and will keep you smiling. He is a true cutie. This handsome baby boy will be sure to come home to you happy, healthy, and ready to play. He already have all his vaccinations ,he very fat and super healthy !
We looking for family who will give Doodle good and happy life!
He love kids to death!
Also play very good with any kind animals,he love cats and small dogs.
Dont let this little boy get away. He will be sure to make that perfect addition that you and your loving family have been looking for.