Hi my name is Kellie I have been a breeder for nine years. I breed for intelligence, health and personality. My dogs have gone on to be search and rescue up in Reno and therapy dogs in Roseville, Lincoln and even as far away as Oregon. Our puppies were born April 2nd and will be reDy for there forever homes May 28th. She had 7 boys and only 1 girl. Mom is a beautiful white AKC Standard poodle who loves to cuddle and is always by my side she is sweet yet protective. Dad is a gorgeous red AKC golden retriever full of energy, Smart and even silly. His hips have been checked and are very good. Never in our 9 years of breeding have we ever had bad hips. All of our puppies will be potty trained to pee pads, very well socialized, and raised with children. They will have a well puppy vet check , a health guarantee, their dewclaws removed , first set of shots and wormed. We are taking deposits of $500 now and are willing to work with you on the deposit if need be. All puppies will be chosen in order of deposit . We will start showings at four weeks of age right when their personalities starts to shine. If you're interested or have any other questions please give me a call (530)
or you can text me at (530)- thank you and I hope to speak to you soon. To all you first time puppy buyers please make sure wherever you get your puppy from that you receive a document from the breeders vet that the specific puppy you take-home is healthy and clear to be adopted.