Beautiful chocolate female.. Mother is a merle, miniature F1b goldendoodle weighing 19 lbs. Father is a dark sable miniature australian labradoodle weighing 30lbs. Puppy will be very hypo-allergenic- no shed Shipping with the puppy nanny avail. Our pups are so sweet and human bonded. Families who have our puppies say they are like mo other!! Here are some reasons why: They are all Raised in our home with kids and other animals. Excellent References They are all Prepared to be therapy dogs, vaccinated, health guaranteed. Parents are heath tested. We wont ship under the plane but we have a puppy nanny who will keep puppy with her and deliver to any airport in the world. We have boys and girls SUPER SWEET $2 Wait listing Now! We have Pups who will go home between next week and Sept. Call or email to join the list to choose. If we don't have what you want I will help you find it. no txt pls ( or my cel takes txt msgs Instagram doodles_n_danes