All kinds of Glock accessories available, Glock nineteen and 26 High Capacity Mags available, Glock 23 and 27 High Cap Mags avail, Glock Speed Loaders, Glock Ambidextrous IWB and OWB Holsters made by Blackhawk and DeSantis fits Glock models 19, 23, 32..., These holsters may fit other Glock models but it's up to you to determine if your weapon is compatible? I know they fit these models because I own 1 of each! I also have available a Cree Tactical light (120 lumens) & red dot Laser combo custom fit for the compact model Glocks i.e; 19, 23, 32, Call me if your interested in anything, I might have more things that I forgot to list here, Jeff (347)
Naugatuck, CTListing originally posted at http