Yes, spring has sprung, the forsythia has bloomed, cherry blossoms have finally bloomed and azaleas are not far behind!
If the anticipation of spring is inspiring you to begin planning your outdoor projects, first check out my FB album filled with landscape and garden books that can help you get ready. These beautifully illustrated books will provide you with all the information you need for your outdoor projects - from selecting the perfect plants, flowers, shrubs and trees -- to building a pergola, patio, pond, retaining wall, and more.
Click on the photo and peruse my album for a wide selection of books, each posting includes a full description of the book (to see all details please select ". . . See More").
These books go great with that morning cup of coffee, or evening glass of wine!
To see all the books available (including detailed info on each one) please go to my FB Page, and select my album "Books - Gardening and Landscaping"
FB Page: Julie's Virtual Garage Sale