Hello Ladies. Like free things? I sell Premier Designs High Fashion Jewelry. I sell my Jewelry with home and catalog shows. Our Hostesses get incredible advantages through Premier, such as, however not limited to:.
- You are going to get 30 % of your programs total sales in FREE Jewelry (Our average program in this area is $600, so that's about $200).
-Easily earn up two $50 present cards- just for having your program! (Ask about our June special 2'x's the benefit!).
-Up to 8 products at half off.
And ... simply for calling me, I am going to bring you a brochure and when you book your date, and a special gift from me to you.
You get all this just for getting your pals together for less than an hour to kick back, sip some lemonade, play a game to win MORE prizes, and play in my Jewelry Box! Simple?:).
PS. Ask me how to earn "cash for your class", bridal celebration specials, fundraising events and help spending for Karate, Dance, Sports and all those other things your littles like.
CHECK OUT MY ONLINE CATALOG: (Password Shine) shareseclark.mypremierdesigns.com.