Nylon air travel coat in medium. Fresh- 20.00.
Australian Geographic Old Softy leather hat. Outstanding condition - 25.00.
2 pairs of button-up Levi 501 XX denims, size 36w x 34 long in exceptional condition- 15.00 ea.
Rugged Exposure Niagra treking boots, waterproof, size 91/2 in exceptional shape- 10.00.
Size 71/2 D White's boots in outstanding condition- 120.00.
New leather welding gloves- 8.00 per pair.
2 Peet shoe dryers. One for shoes and boots, the other can also deal with shorter waders. Both work excellent: Boot and shoe-20.00.
Wader capable-30.00.
Go Peet portable boot dryers with cigarette lighter adapter. Fresh- 23.00.
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