Fern is one of a litter of 9
his foster has just 3 of them and they are all named after Charlottes web.
Fern is bigger than her sister Charlotte and about the same size as her brother Wilbur.
She has the cutest half tail and is full of personality!
She is an adorable little girl who likes to explore and rough and tumble with her brother.
She is sweet, playful, curious, and everything youd expect a 9 week old puppy to be.
She will probably be about 30-40 lbs full grown.
Mom looks to be a spaniel or pointer mix and we dont know what dad is but we believe heeler mix based on all the freckles the puppies have!
They are adorable!
They have all had 2 rounds of shots and have been wormed regularly.
They will be spayed/neutered after Easter and then will be ready to go.
Fern is being fostered in the Huntsville, AL area but we adopt to your area.
Please fill out a non-binding application at forrescue.net if you are interested in Fern.