Meet Coco, a 2 year old Full AKC Bulldog
She is a beautiful female full breed english bulldog. She was a rescue from a breeder who was not caring for her and was treating her inproperly. I have worked with her for the past 6 months bringing the love back out of her.
She is now a loving, kind and playful dog. When I first encountered her she was so sad and unwilling to even chase a ball. The fees included are just to help me cover some of the medical items I have had to do help her. She lives with my 3 other bulldogs, but I cannot care for her any longer. I have helped her by bringing to a good spot and caring for her.
Please schedule a time to meet this adorable bulldog. Please note she cannot breed, she is a family dog. You will not meet a more loyal and appreciative dog. All candidates will be screened due to her troubled past, she needs to go to a loving family, preferably with children.