Hello, we have 8 big and healthy puppies born on 4/2/15. Both parents are onsite and have great temperaments. They've always been around family and kids and are very playful. This is our fawns very first litter and she is an awesome momma. Please feel free to call or text me if you have any further questions. . I have references upon request from our other 2 dogs litters (same stud for our 3 females we breed). Dad is a red European Doberman and weighs 100lbs and mom is a fawn American Doberman and weighs 85lbs. Neither are AKC registered not are the pups.
Available for deposits are :
Only 1 fawn female & 3 fawn males
Only 1 red female & 3 red males
**Deposits are $200 red & $300 fawns (which goes towards total price)
Fawns are $650
Reds are $550