We have a litter of Extra Tiny Teacup & Tiny Toy Yorkies available. (3 Females, 1 Male) They have short adorable baby doll/teddy bear faces, round eyes, short legs, short bodies, and thick beautiful coats. Estimated to be between 2-4.5 lb.
Mom is 4.5 lb & Dad is 2 1/2 lb and comes from Velvet Touch Yorkies line. Both parents are AKC registered, but puppies will be sold as pets only. All puppies come with shots, dewormings, and health guarantee.
***This Extra Tiny Teacup Yorkshire Terrier female will be approx. 2 1/2-3 lb full grown. She is just a sweet little baby doll! Beautiful round eyes, compact body, dark coat, and a big personality. She is very, very sweet, loving, and out-going. She loves everyone and loves to cuddle and give kisses! Her price is $2,000.***
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