ETHERTON's story
Whoa, I can`t stop running around this big room. I am so excited because you are reading about me.
Everyone here says I am the most fun ever. Just a little playful ball of purrs. And meows! And fun and games. Just give me a feather toy and I will show you how much fun that can be.
When you walk into the room, I will be the very first cat to run right up to you. So be careful with that door, because you want me to stay here so we can have a nice introduction.
Well, introductions are ok, but you are here for more than just a polite hello. You are here to take me home. Now I really am going to run around from all the excitement of that thought.
I have really long legs so I can run around ever so fast. Come check that out. Pretty soon you will take me home and I can run all around your house, my new home.
I will keep running to the door, just to show you that I am ready to go home with you.
Wow, all that running makes me sleepy. So I am going to take a nap and dream about you.